Submit a request

The client code you use to log in.

Please copy the address line from your browser window.

To set the user rights correctly, please name an existing user that we can use as a reference.

Please describe your request as precisely as possible. A detailed example is often helpful. Also a screenshot of the issue helps us a lot, you can attach one at the end of the form.

I am authorized to do this on behalf of the above-named company in a legally binding manner.

I am aware that I am responsible for doing data extracts with the role I_Clientadmin in the mentioned application

I am aware that I am responsible for granting access to the above application only to authorized users. AEB may refer any inquiries regarding user or password management from employees of the above-mentioned company to me.

I agree that AEB may share my email address and tenant data with the person I wish to add for this purpose.

Please enter the email address of the person.

You can find the 15-digit ID in your access management under Tenant.

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