Safety and Security Declarations GB (S&S GB)
Since Brexit and the end of the transition period, HMRC have taken a staged approach to the introduction of its border controls and specifically the introduction for the need of Safety and Security declarations for imported goods from the EU. Originally scheduled for 1 July 2022, the requirements for these declarations were postponed until 31 October 2024.
What is S&S GB
S&S GB is the Entry Summary Declaration Service (ENS) for goods imported into Great Britain from the rest of the world and the EU. The declaration is used by HMRC and border authorities to risk assess goods entering GB borders prior to their arrival, and applies to all modes of transport.
The ENS declaration is separate and unrelated to the import customs declaration for goods, and does not involve duty or taxes.
Who should Complete the ENS Declaration?
The legal requirement to submit a declaration lies with the carrier. This is the operator of the active means of transport on, or in, which the goods are brought into the customs territory.
It is the carrier's responsibility to make sure that the declaration is submitted within the legal time limits, and it must only be done by a representative or third party with the carrier's knowledge and consent.
The AEB Solution and Next Steps
AEB has a solution in place for S&S GB functionality. Please contact your AEB account manager for further information, or email
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