You have added documents to your customs declaration and would like to access them, but cannot find them in the customs declaration overview? It is likely that the data has been moved to the archive.
What happens to documents once the customs declaration they are attached to is completed?
Each time a customs declaration reaches the status Complete, this specific customs declaration and its attached documents are copied into the archive. The data remains accessible within the application via the customs declarations overview for 150 days. After this period, the customs declaration including its attached documents are only accessible via the archive and no longer accessible via the customs declaration overview. Within the archive, the customs declaration and its attached documents remain available according to the country-specific retention time.
Regarding UK regulations, customs declarations and their attached documents are available for the duration of the year in which they were created plus seven years (= archiving period). After the archiving period, the data is deleted from the archive.
- Please note that archiving is possible only in the AEB Cloud.
What if my completed customs declaration needs to be modified?
If ever a completed customs declaration that has been copied to the archive needs to be reopened within the 150 days period, it will not be deleted from the customs declaration overview once the 150 days are reached but remains within the overview for another 150 days period starting the moment, the modified customs declaration reaches the status Complete once again.
- The archive stores different versions of the same customs declaration if such a subsequent modification is necessary.
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