NCTS Phase 5 introduces a new data hierarchy in which greater flexibility is provided for declaring consignor, consignee, and goods related documentation. With this new hierarchy, NCTS5 introduces the ability to specify multiple consignor/consignee combinations in the same declaration.
The declaration hierarchy is:
- Declaration head, which includes the consignment data group.
- Consignment > House consignment.
- Consignment > House consignment > Consignment item.
Details provided on this level apply to the whole transit declaration. E.g. a declaration with only one consignee and/or consignor would be applied on this level. Also, documentation that applies to the whole declaration may be declared on this level. Only 1 consignment level can be submitted per declaration.
House Consignment
The house consignment covers information relating to all goods that are subject to the same house transport contract. A transit declaration in NCTS5 must have at least 1 house consignment that covers a single consignor. For movements containing goods for more that one consignor or consignee, then multiple house consignment data blocks must be used. House consignments allow for providing consignor/consignee details once for multiple items.
- During the transition period, only 1 house consignment is permitted. House consignment data elements are restricted during the transition period.
- The use of multiple house consignments with all data elements will be permitted once the final state comes into effect. In final state, up to 99 house consignments can be declared with up to 999 items per house consignment.
Consignment Item
This is where details of all the goods that are being moved must be declared. Each item must be assigned to a house consignment, which can contain up to 999 items. However, the total number of items permitted for each declaration cannot exceed 1999 items.
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