The Customs Declaration Service (CDS) requires that export declarations state, in a chronological order, the countries through which goods will be routed between the country of original departure and the final destination.
This should also include:
- The country of original departure, as declared in DE 5/14 (Ctry of export)
- The final destination of the goods, as declared in DE 5/8 (Ctry of destination)
A list of country codes may be found in Appendix 13: Country codes
To enter this information, follow the steps below:
- Open the export declaration and go to the Customs details tab.
- Locate the Countries of routing section.
- Enter the Ctry of export and Ctry of destination.
- Click New and enter the Country. The first entry will be the country of export.
- Click New again, and enter all the countries, in order, through which the goods will be routed. A line should be added for each country, ending with the country of destination.
- If the countries are not in the correct order, you can use the Move up or Move down button to change the order.
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