- Companies are needed for the EMCS Submission and EMCS Discharge modules.
You should define at least the holders of the EMCS licenses that you wish to use for your EMCS movements before you create these licenses.
The Companies master data is where you administer information on companies with whom you maintain business relations, such as your suppliers. Here you can also store information on your own employees.
When adding a new company, please refer to the specific information below about the sheets.
Roles sheet
Here you can define the role of your company vis-à-vis the companies with which you maintain business relations, and their roles with you. When you administer movements, the drop-down list of any given field only lets you select the companies to which you have assigned the appropriate role.
- Companies to which you have not assigned any roles will not be available to you in the movements.
For technical reasons, each company may be assigned only one of the following EMCS roles:
- Registered consignee
- Registered consignee in individual case
- Consignee (drop shipment, beneficiary, export)
- Registered consignor
- Tax warehouse keeper
- Certified consignor
- Certified consignor in individual case
- Certified consignee
- Certified consignee in individual case
- If you need more than one of these roles for a company, create multiple identical companies with different roles.
EMCS sheet
The EMCS sheet is used to enter the data relevant to the EMCS process. Of primary importance here is the excise number. Enter the excise number that is appropriate for the company role:
- Registered consignee: Enter the consignee excise number.
- Registered consignee in individual case: Enter the consignee excise number.
- Registered consignor: Enter the consignor excise number.
- Tax warehouse keeper: Enter the warehouse keeper excise number.
- Tax warehouse (certified consignor/consignee): Enter the warehouse excise number.
- Tax warehouse keeper and Tax warehouse (consignor/consignee): Enter the warehouse keeper excise number in the Excise no. field and the warehouse excise number in the Excise no. tax wareh. field.
If a company has the Tax warehouse keeper role, you can still define other companies as tax warehouses using the fields under Tax warehouse. Here you will be able to select from all the companies to which you have assigned the tax warehouse role.
- EMCS (DE): For tax warehouses that are not themselves tax warehouse keepers, EMCS Filing also displays the Tax warehouse keeper field group. Here you’ll find important data on the tax warehouse keeper. Click the Open tax warehouse keeper link to open the company directly.
- EMCS (UK): Under Authentication, enter the user name and password you need to communicate with the customs office through the e-customs portal. AEB can help you when you input this information for the first time.
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