When you export goods, License Management lets you use the same license that you used during goods receipt. License Management looks at the approval that you defined for the receipt of the goods from the supplier, identifies the goods (by serial number, batch number, etc.) and the applied license, and prompts you to apply this license again to the export of the same goods.
This identity of goods is normally passed from the host system to License Management during the export control check and saved to the approval when it is created. The following describes how you can define the goods receipt and identity of goods in an approval manually without a host system.
Proceed as follows:
- The Stock at supplier checkbox must be marked in the relevant license type.
- The Identity of goods checkbox must be marked in the relevant license type.
- Under Master data – Compliance – Transaction types, at least one transaction type must be defined with the Company ← Supplier movement type.
- Go to License Management − Approvals and click New.
- On the Identities of goods sheet, define the identity of the goods.
- If you define the identity of the goods before selecting the license (Transaction data sheet, Choose license button), then you will only be able to choose from matching licenses.
- Fill in the other fields in the approval. Choose a transaction type with the Company ← Supplier movement type, then select your own company as the recipient.
- If the approval has reached the status of Complete, click Save & close to close it.
- License Management posts the goods receipt to the appropriate item in the applied license. The quantity or amount is subtracted from the supplier’s inventory and added to the available inventory.
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