For especially critical processes such as those in the US ITAR jurisdiction, it may be necessary to not only monitor your own inventory of goods but also keep an eye on which quantities are still with the supplier and which are already with the customer. For this purpose, License Management lets you specify an initial inventory of such goods with your supplier and with the customer.
Then you can monitor these inventories.
Proceed as follows to define inventories when creating a license that has already been used:
- The Stock at supplier checkbox must be marked in the relevant license type.
- Go to License Management − Licenses and open a license.
- Switch to the Items sheet and open an item.
- Go to the Item sheet. In the Details field group, fill in the Initially at customer and Initially at suppl. (initially at supplier) fields.
- Activate the license if required, then click Save & close to close.
Proceed as follows to check which goods quantities can still be purchased from a supplier under a license:
- The Stock at supplier checkbox must be marked in the relevant license type.
- If necessary, you must first define the initial inventory in the license (see above).
- Go to License Management − Licenses and open a license.
- Switch to the Items sheet and open an item.
- Switch to the Decrement values from approvals sheet.
- Here you can find a numerical and graphical overview of the total allowed quantity, used quantity, and available quantity or amounts of this item and the quantity or amount at the supplier.
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