- Make sure that you have already created your terms of delivery. How do I create terms of delivery?
- Make sure that you have the I_CAI_EDITMASTERFILEDATA role. How do I assign myself a role?
- Go to Master data – Carrier configurations to open a carrier.
- On the Code conversions sheet, click Generate suggestion. It may not even be necessary to maintain conversions.
- If a conversion is created, open the conversion.
- If the Terms of delivery sheet does not appear, then no conversion is needed. You can then close the conversion or switch to the Package types sheet to convert your package types if needed. How do I convert package types?
- On the Terms of delivery sheet, click Generate suggestion or New until all your terms of delivery that you want to convert are listed in the left-hand column.
- Convert each entry to the appropriate Freight terms in the last column.
- For each entry in the Terms of delivery column on the left, there must be a converted value in the Freight terms column on the right. Delete any superfluous lines if you do not need them.
- Click Save & close to save your specifications.
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