The consignor of the EMCS movement has the option to change the destination of the goods after submission.
The customs message C_UPD_DAT notifies you of the change of destination if you remain the recipient of the goods despite the change.
To identify whether a destination has been changed:
- Go to the Desktop of EMCS Filing.
- Under Events, check the entries in the Assistant pane.
- If the destination has been changed, the line N changes of destination will appear here.
To edit a change of destination:
- Under Events, go to the Assistant pane and click the link for N changes of destination.
- This opens the EMCS movements (discharge) overview restricted to movements whose destination was changed.
- The Assistant notifies you that you must confirm the change of the place of delivery.
- Click this text.
- In the window that opens, click Yes to confirm the change of the place of delivery.
- As soon as the goods have arrived, you can send the report of receipt as usual.
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