If you are also using License Management, Trade Compliance Management can generate automatic approvals based on individual licenses during export controls from a host system. In addition to the pessimistic screening algorithm that only selects licenses that match the check item very closely, the following measures minimize the risk of using a wrong license:
- You must explicitly flag licenses applicable for the automatic creation of an approval.
- AEB also advises you to maintain the data of these licenses as detailed as possible.
- The check transaction must be started in a host system and you must specify in the check transaction that automatic approval is possible.
- The check item must not be a BOM item.
- During the check, no applicable general license must be found.
- If more than one applicable license or more than one applicable license item is found, no automatic approval is created.
Proceed as follows:
- Go to Export Controls – Check transactions and open a check transaction.
- Switch to the Check log sheet.
- You are provided with detailed information on the applicable licenses and whether an automatic approval has been created.
- Viewing the log: Select License Management − Logs.
- Logs for automatically created approvals have the Approval log type and the Autom. created (automatically created) event.
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