You can configure Customs Management in such a way that you can use a consignment with delivery notes (e.g. for an export from the Netherlands) to create a further customs declaration with the same dataset (e.g. for a transit declaration). These customs declarations remain connected with each other. You can even configure that the subsequent customs declaration (e.g. a transit declaration) is automatically submitted as soon as the previous customs declaration (in this example for export from the Netherlands) has reached the Released status. This allows you to make the automated execution of a target action dependent on preceding processes (“event trigger”).
Proceed as follows:
- Go to Master data – Consignment profiles and open a consignment profile.
- Switch to the Transitions sheet and open the transition for the subsequent process (in this example the transition for the transit declaration).
- On the Transition sheet – Preceding process event triggers field group click the New button to create a new entry for a preceding process.
- Select the desired preceding process and provide further details on the event type, the target action, and the delay of the target action, if needed.
- If multi-level customs processes have been set up for a consignment and you open a customs declaration, the Assistant pane will display a link Open other declarations of consignment.
- If you want to start a subsequent process manually, click on the link Create declaration(s) for subsequent customs processes in the preceding customs declaration (in this example, the export from the Netherlands) in the Assistant pane. This link allows you to manually create the subsequent customs declaration (in this example, the transit declaration).
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