When the EDI is transmitted to UPS, an error log will be provided to you in the case of incorrect or incomplete content. This allows you to analyze the faulty information and correct or supplement it before repeating transmission.
Proceed as follows:
- Go to Package processing – Pickups and open the Pickup overview. Check whether a warning or an error occurred.
- You can recognize warnings by the warning triangle icon and the “Complete” pickup status. In this case, the EDI was successfully transmitted, but UPS points out the incorrect content in the log so that you can correct it during the next transmission.
- You can recognize errors by a red icon in combination with the “Manifest created” pickup status. Here, the transmission to the carrier did not work.
- For more details, download the UPS error log. To do this, open the corresponding pickup. Switch to the EDI messages sheet, select and open the EDI message. Use the Logs drop-down menu to select Operation logs.
- There you will find an entry. For warnings, the text is “PLD0200 EDI uploaded with errors”, for errors “PLD0200 EDI not uploaded”.
- To download the log, open the entry and click the Details... button. The log lists the information that is missing or needs to be changed.
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