If you ship to third countries with DHL Express, you must submit certain customs-related information. This information is also necessary if you want to use DHL Paperless Trade (PLT).
Transmitting dutiable data
Setting up carrier configurations
Enabling extra fields
Go to Master data – Carrier configurations and open the corresponding “DHL Express” carrier. On the Extra fields sheet, click New to add the following entries:
- Invoice date
- Export reason type
Enabling the transmission of data required by customs
To enable the transfer of customs/invoice data, go to Master data – Carrier configurations and open the corresponding “DHL Express” carrier. In the Accounts sheet, open the account in question. In the Carrier data generation field group, check the Transfer customs data option.
- For shipping orders subject to customs duty, the fields expected by DHL Express automatically become required fields when the option is enabled and the values are transmitted to DHL Express. Therefore, before enabling the option, make sure that you can completely fill in all the required customs data in the shipping order.
Ensuring availability of data required by customs
For smooth customs processing and package delivery, DHL Express expects certain customs or invoice data (CIN fields) in the electronic shipment data (EDI). The following table shows you where to find the fields in the shipping order and how to transmit them from your host system via the interface:
Place of field in shipping order | Name of field in shipping order |
Field name in API |
Note |
Shipping order sheet |
Customs value Customs value currency |
customsValue value customsValue currencyIso |
Values must be identical to the values in the uploaded document |
Shipping order sheet |
Goods value Goods value currency |
goodsValue value goodsValue currencyIso |
Values must be identical to the values in the uploaded document |
Shipping options sheet | Incoterm destination | incotermDestination | |
Shipping options sheet | Terms of delivery | termsOfDeliveryCode | |
Extended information sheet – Further references and texts | „MRN“ type |
Extended information sheet – Further references and texts | "Invoice number" type |
referencesTexts |
Extra fields sheet | Export reason type |
additionalValues Name: DHLEXPINTEXPRSN |
Possible content:
Extra fields sheet | Invoice date |
additionalValues Name: DHLEXPINTINVDATE |
Format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss |
Packages and items sheet – Items |
Goods value Goods value currency |
goodsValue value goodsValue currencyIso |
Values must be identical to the value in the uploaded document |
Packages and items sheet – Items |
Customs value Customs value currency |
customsValue value customsValue currencyIso |
Values must be identical to the value in the uploaded document |
Packages and items sheet – Items |
Quantity Quantity unit |
quantity value quantity unit |
Packages and items sheet – Items | Description | description | |
Packages and items sheet – Items |
Gross weight Gross weight unit |
grossWeightvalue grossWeightvalue unit |
Values must be identical to the value in the uploaded document |
Packages and items sheet – Items |
Net weight Net weight unit |
netWeight value netWeight unit |
Values must be identical to the value in the uploaded document |
Packages and items sheet – Items |
Country of origin |
countryOfOriginsISOCode |
Packages and items sheet – Items |
Customs tariff number |
customsTariffNumber |
The value “0” for the customs tariff number will result in manual editing or delay in processing. |
Optional for DHL Paperless Trade (PLT) | |||
Extra fields sheet | Administration fee | DHLEXPINTADMAMOUNT |
These fees are only relevant, if you explicitly show these costs on your (pro forma) invoice. |
Extra fields sheet | Delivery fee | DHLEXPINTDELAMOUNT | |
Extra fields sheet | Freight costs | DHLEXPINTFREIAMOUNT | |
Extra fields sheet | Other fees | DHLEXPINTOTHERAMOUNT |
- Your company is responsible for the correct population of the fields, and this must also be ensured when transmitting data from your host systems.
Using “DHL Paperless Trade” (PLT)
With “DHL Paperless Trade” (PLT), you simply transmit your customs accompanying documents online and therefore no longer need to print them out and attach them to the shipment. You can find out more details directly from DHL Express
For shipments to certain third countries (shipments subject to customs duty), the use of “DHL Paperless Trade” (PLT) and therefore the transmission of certain customs data is mandatory.
- If “DHL Paperless Trade” (PLT) is not available for a certain third country on the part of DHL, Carrier Connect will inform you with a corresponding notice. In this case, disable the value-added service and attach the printed customs documents to your shipment as before.
- Make sure that you have completed all the steps under "Transmitting dutiable data".
- The data in the optional extra fields (see above) Administration fee, Delivery fee, Freight costs and Other fees are only relevant, if you explicitly show these costs on your (pro forma) invoice.
Setting up carrier configurations
Enabling the “Paperless Trade PLT” value-added service
Go to Master data – Carrier configurations and open the corresponding “DHL Express” carrier. On the Value-added services sheet, enable the "Paperless Trade PLT" entry.
Configuring an additional “DOCUPLOAD” SFTP connection
For the upload of customs documents, enable another SFTP connection to transmit the uploaded documents to a separate subdirectory at DHL Express.
Go to Master data – Carrier configurations and open the corresponding “DHL Express” carrier. Switch to the Accounts sheet, open the relevant account and select the “DOCUPLOAD” value under Carrier data generation – PLT doc. connection.
- You can use the pencil icon to change the parameters preset by AEB via the service provider definition if necessary.
Uploading documents in the shipping order
Learn how to upload customs documents via the Carrier Connect user interface.
- To learn how to transmit the fields via API, click here: API documentation.
Selecting the “Paperless Trade PLT” value-added service in the shipping order
To use “Paperless Trade PLT” for a shipping order, select the value-added service in the shipping order.
To set this value-added service via the API, submit the DHLEXPINTPLTUPL value in the valueAddedServices - identCode field.
Filling in data required by customs in the shipping order
Complete the fields required by customs in the shipping order in the same way as chapter "Ensuring availability of data required by customs": “Place of field in shipping order” and “Name of field in shipping order” columns.
Uploading customs document(s) in the shipping order
On the Documents sheet of the shipping order, click Add attachment or Drag & Drop and select your document(s).
- File size per file max. 1 MB in PDF, PNG, JPG, or TIFF format
It is mandatory that you add one of the following texts in exactly this notation in the Comment field:
Tips for filling in the Comment field:
- Use “EXPORT_ACCOMPANYING_DOCUMENT” for your EAD/export accompanying document (the upload is mandatory)
- Use “COMMERCIAL_INVOICE” for your commercial invoice (the upload is mandatory)
- Use “PRO_FORMA_INVOICE” for your pro forma invoice (alternative to commercial invoice)
Upload the documents at the latest before completion of the consignment.
Deleting or adding documents is possible after label printing until the consignment is completed.
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