Every company for which you wish to apply for export licenses through ELAN-K2 must be in your Companies master data with the role of Export partner.
This requires the following minimum information on the Export partner sheet:
- ELAN-K2 login data field group: Login data for BAFA’s ELAN-K2 portal. In the Primary user field, you can select a value from all the user IDs that you have assigned to the various users for this company in the user administration. This user ID is used for all automatic inquiries at the ELAN-K2 portal. In the lower portion of this field group, you can also define the private key and public key certificates for communication with BAFA.
- Other transaction data field group: Other company data that you need for communication with BAFA.
- Registered general licenses field group: General licenses that you wish to use require a one-time registration through BAFA’s ELAN-K2 portal. Here you can save the registration information for these licenses provided by the ELAN-K2 portal.
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