Templates facilitate the task of repeatedly creating similar transactions. Simply define a template with the field values that remain unchanged in similar transactions, then give the template a descriptive name.
- Those fields that vary in similar transactions should be left blank in templates. This helps avoids a situation in which you apply data from a template that is not accurate for a given transaction but plausible enough to avoid detection as an error by the Assistant.
Proceed as follows:
- You must already have an ELAN-K2 transaction from which to create the template.
- Go to License Management − ELAN-K2 transactions and open an ELAN-K2 transaction.
- Under Message exchange with BAFA, open Submit transaction form.
- Click the Save as template button.
- The new template opens. The title identifies it as a template.
- Under Data for template, assign an ID.
- Edit and delete the information as needed.
- When you are finished, click the Save & close button.
- License Management now creates a new template under License Management − ELAN-K2 templates.
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