You can view all the approvals that have so far been entered for a license in License Management and check these approvals. You can also see an overview of all the approvals associated with any license item.
You can also view the cumulative decrement values from approvals for each license item.
Proceed as follows:
- Go to License Management − Licenses and open a license.
- Display approvals for a license: Switch to the Approvals sheet.
- The lower portion of the sheet displays this license’s approvals, which you can open and check individually.
- Checking decrement values per item: Switch to the Items sheet and open an item.
- Switch to the Decrement values from approvals sheet.
- Here you see an overview of the quantities and amounts that you have already decremented from this item through approvals.
- Display approvals for an item: Switch to the Approvals sheet.
- The lower portion of the sheet displays this item’s approvals, which you can open and check individually.
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